Connection Setup

In the previous chapter we looked at how to configure a certificate. This aspect is omitted in this chapter to prevent duplication. But remember that this is required to get your Endpoint up and running. This chapter explains how to set up a connection and prepare it for data transfer.

It all starts with the Endpoint struct, this is the entry point of the library.


Let's start by defining some constants.

fn main() {
static SERVER_NAME: &str = "localhost";

fn client_addr() -> SocketAddr {

fn server_addr() -> SocketAddr {


First, the server endpoint should be bound to a socket. The server() method, which can be used for this, returns the Endpoint type. Endpoint is used to start outgoing connections and accept incoming connections.

fn main() {
async fn server() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    // Bind this endpoint to a UDP socket on the given server address. 
    let endpoint = Endpoint::server(config, server_addr())?;

    // Start iterating over incoming connections.
    while let Some(conn) = endpoint.accept().await {
        let mut connection = conn.await?;

        // Save connection somewhere, start transferring, receiving data, see DataTransfer tutorial.



The client() returns only a Endpoint type. The client needs to connect to the server using the connect(server_name) method.
The SERVER_NAME argument is the DNS name, matching the certificate configured in the server.

fn main() {
async fn client() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    // Bind this endpoint to a UDP socket on the given client address.
    let mut endpoint = Endpoint::client(client_addr());

    // Connect to the server passing in the server name which is supposed to be in the server certificate.
    let connection = endpoint.connect(server_addr(), SERVER_NAME)?.await?;

    // Start transferring, receiving data, see data transfer page.


Next up, let's have a look at sending data over this connection.